Horsham, PA – January 2011

Driving home around 6:45 pm I noticed 3 lights in the sky out of the front windshield. They were three lights straight across in a line. The object appeared to be hovering in the sky. It was a clear night and I could see the object very well and it did not appear to be far away. I live near Willow Grove Air Base and the training exercises are usually done directly near my house. The object was clearly not a plane and did not move like a helicopter. It was also not even in direct line of where the base would be. My first thought was, “this must be what people report as seeing a UFO.” I turned the corner and was going to ask my husband to come look when I got home. I saw a neighbor and looked at him to see if he was looking toward the sky and noticed the object. He didn’t. By the time I got home, I forgot to tell my husband. I remembered a few days later. Have not seen anything like that since

Erie, PA
Erie PA Conference

Erie, PA

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